Starting May 23rd, the Show My Listing Collections page in Flexmls Web will be updated with a modernized look that is easier to use.
When Will It Change
These updates will be available on May 23rd, 2019.
Who Will Be Affected
Users of Flexmls Web who currently have access to the Listing Collections function will see these updates.
What Will Change
The Show My Listing Collections page will be renamed Listing Collections and the appearance of the page will be refreshed. We’ve also added a Search bar at the top of the page to help you find the listing collection you need.
The Remove and Rename buttons on the current page will be moved to the More (three dots) menu that is displayed next to each collection name. The More menu gives you one-click access to view collection details, rename the collection, or delete the collection.
Why Are We Making These Changes
These changes are part of a larger initiative to modernize the look and feel of Flexmls. By doing so, we’ll provide you with a Flexmls system that matches your business workflow, a more modern interface, and a more consistent Flexmls experience across pages and devices.