Save the Date: GAAR is offering NAR’s “Smart Growth for the 21st Century” Class for FREE on Thursday, June 9th!
This class introduces REALTORS® to a movement that is reshaping the way America views development and viable neighborhoods.
A well-functioning community maintains a delicate balance. Its many components include:
- Homes for all incomes,
- Jobs,
- Schools,
- Open spaces,
- An adequate supply of desirable destinations and services, and
- Different ways to reach those destinations:
- By foot
- Bicycle
- Public transit
- Private automobile
When any of these is in short supply, however, the ability of the community as whole to function becomes impaired. As real estate professionals in the community you know what is working – and what is not – but may not know how to address the issues that arise.
Smart growth is about recognizing and understanding the various facets of a vibrant community and maintaining balance among them.
The smart growth approaches taught in this course will help you become a more informed real estate professional and citizen – and will enable you to play a larger role in the community’s discussion about its future, especially on pressing projects like ABQ's ART project, Santolina and the ABC-Z Comprehensive Plan rewrite.
This course was designed to provide an overview of what smart growth is, how it works, why and to whom it is appealing, and how its understanding and support can improve our community and your real estate business.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Describe and discuss the key principles of smart growth.
- Compare smart growth precepts to other planning approaches currently in use.
- List how smart growth benefits various constituencies.
- Conduct a compelling conversation that explains and advocates implementation of smart growth policies and practices.
Through this course, you will acquire the knowledge and tools to make our community a better place to live, work and do business.
4CE credits pending NMREC approval.