Sign-up while there are seats left for our next Speaker Series training! REALTOR® Members can earn up to 7 free CE credits by taking these two great classes.
Safety Matters: Safe Business = Smart Business
3 CE (Education) *pending ratification by the NMREC
The goal of this course is to instill safety awareness and habits as second nature so that real estate professionals—as well as their clients and customers—know how to avert or respond to dangerous situations and avoid harm as they practice their profession.
Date: Friday, September 14, 2018
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: GAAR REALTOR® Building
RESPA Reform: What You Don’t Know WILL Hurt You
4 CE (Education) *pending ratification by the NMREC
This class will explore the extensive changes the federal government has made to RESPA laws. Learn details about form revisions, behaviors acceptable to REALTORS® under the new laws. Referral fee criteria and tips and traps that can get you into professional difficulty. Learn how to avoid costly mistakes that are entirely preventable.
Date: Friday, September 14, 2018
Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: GAAR REALTOR® Building
Cheryl Knowlton is a 19-year veteran of the real estate mortgage industry. She is currently Director of Education for ERA Brokers Consolidated, a multi-state ERA Hall of Fame organization. Her mission is to enthusiastically empower Real Estate Excellence through engaging professionals to expand their minds and wallets with interactive courses designed to keep agents out of trouble, engage them in having fun while learning and help them gain the skills they need to raise the bar of professionalism in real estate.
An addict of education, Cheryl holds 14 NAR Designations and Certifications. She is also the proud holder of the Distinguished Real Estate Instructor Designation (DREI), held by fewer than 100 individuals in the U.S. Cheryl has been a member of the National Speakers Association since 2010, a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and a Utah REALTOR® since 2007, and a licensed Pre-Licensing Insructor and CE Instructor for Utah Real Estate since 2003. Cheryl enjoys speaking at state and local real estate conventions all over the country.