Staff Spotlight: Melody’s Africa Projects

Empowering Lives and Communities

Melody Mar, as members know as the Director of Professional Standards at GAAR is also an enthusiastic advocate and volunteer.

Melody is preparing for her fourth journey back to Africa after a three-year hiatus. With a deep passion for making a positive impact, she is involved in two projects in Uganda, a land-locked county in East Central Africa. Here's a glimpse at the initiatives that drive her dedication and commitment.

Mission of Hope & Mustard Seed Babies Home

Nurturing Hope for Orphaned Children

Melody is an essential member of the Mission of Hope (MOH), which provides invaluable support to the Mustard Seed Babies Home, an orphanage located in Hoima, Uganda. The MOH team offers financial assistance to cover education, overhead expenses, and more. During her visits, every child at the orphanage receives a backpack filled with essential items like school supplies, socks, underwear, and small treats. Special programs, including vacation bible school and arts and crafts sessions, are organized for primary, middle school, and other age groups. The goal of these initiatives is to ensure that each child feels loved and receives post-secondary education and vocational training, providing hope and opportunity for a brighter future.

Melody is also deeply committed to addressing an important issue faced by young girls in third world countries -- lack of access to sanitary supplies during menstruation. She partners with AFRIpads, a social enterprise based in Kampala, Uganda, to provide reusable sanitary pad kits to these girls. Through her efforts, she aspires to empower these young women, allowing them to remain in school to focus on their education and personal development without the burden of inadequate menstrual care.

Melac Agri Project

Empowering Rural Communities through Agriculture

In collaboration with her friend Louis Lakitari, Melody founded the Melac Agri Project (MAP) in early 2021. MAP is a non-governmental organization that offers vital agricultural training to individuals living in poverty-stricken rural communities. Many participants in the program are illiterate and lack marketable job skills. Guided by expert agronomists at the MAP demonstration farm, they engage in hands-on learning activities such as planting, weeding, and harvesting. After every training season, MAP hosts celebratory graduation parties, where each graduate receives recognition, improved seed varieties, and a formal Certificate of Achievement. Beyond graduation, MAP provides continued monitoring, mentoring, and guidance for two full growing seasons to ensure sustained success for the farming participants.

Since its inception, the project has achieved significant milestones. Five participant teams, comprised of 125 individuals from different villages, have completed a full growing season and graduated from the demonstration farm program. The outcomes have been impressive, leading to improved agronomics and increased employment opportunities. Furthermore, graduates have started their own businesses, ventured into animal husbandry, and formed independent groups, working cooperatively to improve agricultural efforts and build additional business ventures.

Melody's upcoming trip will include meeting the MAP project team, celebrating the recent graduates, and participating in the growth and development of the program. She is dedicated to making a lasting difference in the lives of these communities, fostering sustainable change and empowerment.


Melody's selfless efforts and commitment to these projects exemplify the power of individuals to create meaningful change in the lives of others. Through her tireless work, she continues to inspire those around her and demonstrate the potential for transforming communities through compassion and dedication. We look forward to learning more about the impact of her projects as she embarks on her journey to Uganda.

For more information on these initiatives, reach out to Melody at