GAAR is evaluating Lockbox vendors and needs a few minutes of your time to verify your lockboxes.
The Supra contract expires February of 2016. Therefore, GAAR is taking this opportunity to conduct a year-long evaluation leading to the negotiation of a new contract with a Lockbox vendor.
The first step in the evaluation process is performing a membership-wide Lockbox audit. It is very important that the association understand what lockboxes are out there and how many are currently in use. GAAR needs your help with this.
Once the audit is complete, GAAR will schedule a town hall where you will get an opportunity to see the latest offerings from both Supra and Sentrilock, the major players in electronic Lockboxes. Additionally, you will be able to share what you like and don’t like about Supra. The input and data collected will be critical to the Board of Director’s evaluation and final decision.
Please complete the lockbox audit below by logging in with your Member ID (this is different than your MLS ID and should have been sent to you via email). If you need assistance looking up your MLS ID, please contact us at support@gaar.com or 505-842-1433.
When you login, you will be presented with the lockboxes GAAR has on file that are assigned to your name. All you have to do is verify whether or not you still have those lockboxes in your possession. You will also have the option to enter in any additional lockboxes that are in your possession that may not be assigned to you in the GAAR lockbox database.
You will have until the end of Friday, April 3rd, 2015 to complete the audit. This audit is how we will verify your lockbox ownership.
If you have recently sold or given your lockbox to another broker, please complete and submit a Lockbox Transfer Form to member@gaar.com for accurate record management.
Thank you for your cooperation.