Each month the Southwest Multiple Listing Service (SWMLS) Compliance Department compiles a monthly report of compliance issues and violations.
Take a look below at a summary of the compliance report for September. You'll notice that the top two compliance issues both deal directly with proper listing maintanence. To ensure that customers, clients, appraisers, and REALTORS® are receiving accurate and timely listing information, it's important that you keep your listings up-to-date and properly maintained.
September Compliance Report Summary
- Total Number of Agent notices sent in September: 1,063 (up 77.46 % from September 2012)
- Total Number of notices reported by SWMLS users: 133 (13%)
- Total Number of Fines issued in September: 89
Top 5 Compliance Issues:
- Pending past the estimated selling date (619 warnings)
- Missing the Lead Paint Addendum (143 warnings)
- Reporting a pending sale more than 48 hours after the pending date has occurred
- Contact information displayed in the Public Remarks section of a listing
- Missing photos or legible yard signs in photos