The Southwest Multiple Listing Service (SWMLS) is making changes that will affect the way you enter listings for Vacant Land properties.
Effective November 1, 2014, all new Vacant Land listings will be required to include a digital image of the property within 7 days of the initial listing of the lot in the MLS.
SWMLS Rules & Regulations, Section 1.20 Photos:
If the listed property is vacant land at least one image must be of the street view of the lot. The required image for Vacant Land can also be a satellite image or birds eye view of the lot only if the land is not accessible by roadway.
1. Seller Opt-Out: The seller has the right to opt-out of adding photos to a listing. If your client instructs you to not add photos to the listing, SWMLS asks that you notify us by sending an email to compliance@gaar.com. Notifying SWMLS of your client's choice to opt-out of adding photos to the listing will help you to avoid violations and stay in compliance.
2. No Land Access: If you are unable to physically access the lot due to being landlocked or not having vehicle access, the land photo can be a satellite image or birds eye view of the property.
Questions? Contact us at 505-843-8833.