A Message from your SWMLS Leadership on the Zillow acquisition of ShowingTime.
With the news of Zillow acquiring ShowingTime, we encourage members to remain levelheaded while we review our options for our showing services agreement with ShowingTime.
SWMLS has received assurances from Zillow that similar to their acquisitions of Dotloop, Bridge Interactive, and Retsly - ShowingTime will operate independently of Zillow Group and will remain accountable to the data privacy restrictions required in our existing agreement. Similarly, ShowingTime has also assured that all private data of both REALTOR® and their clients will remain firewalled off as required by our existing agreement.
Technology acquisitions and consolidation are happening at an ever-increasing pace, but rest assured that SWMLS leadership and staff remain aware of changes in the industry at all times, and will complete the proper research, have the proper conversations, review all of our options, and make the best decisions in relation to these changes.
As we continue to work through our next steps for this and all future acquisitions, we do caution all members to temper your comments, especially on social media, as GAAR and SWMLS strongly oppose any discussion that would violate or could even be perceived as violating anti-trust laws or the REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
Look, no matter who buys who, or who owns what, our commitment to you is data integrity and protection, as well as providing a platform that allows all of our members to cooperate and compete with honesty and integrity.
If you have questions, please contact the SWMLS Help Desk at 843-8833.
Thank you,
Cathy Colvin Richard Gibbens
2021 SWMLS President SWMLS Director