REALTOR® and Appraiser members of SWMLS have access to a variety of products and tools. SWMLS provides you more than access to the MLS! Take a moment to learn about eight of the real estate tools available to you (and that's not all of them!)
Video Tour of Eight SWMLS Tools:
Allows brokers to schedule showings 24/7 directly from Flexmls or a dedicated mobile app.
Breathes life into market stats by packaging it into simple but elegant market trend reports and interactive products.
Allows REALTORS® to view reports on their listing performances across the web.
Provides public records search, tax data, mortgage info, and ability to engage with clients.
Realtor Property Resource (RPR)
Provides REALTORS® with data on over 147 million parcels of property in the United States.
Realtor.com Professional Search (FIND)
Allows access a vast quantity of real estate information and data sets using a powerful search engine.
New Home Source Professional
Features thousands of new homes, communities and builders. Most comprehensive resource available to agents -- and it is free to use.
HomeSnap Professional
Accurate, real-time MLS data and enhanced property features make it easy to search for and share homes with friends, clients and colleagues. Get started by downloading and enabling the app for your Apple or Android phone.
How to Access the Free SWMLS Products Mentioned Above
Some product links you click on should automatically sign you in without needing an additional password. RPR will require that you create your free account if using for the first time.
Option 1: Access from the GAAR Member Portal
Option 2: From the Flexmls Menu go to Products
Product Training
Many of these products offer training and webinars each month. SWMLS also hosts and offers local training each month. It is also possible to request a GAAR trainer at your next monthly sales meeting.
For more information about SWMLS products or to schedule a training for your office, please contact the SWMLS Help Desk at mls@gaar.com or 505-843-8833.
There are additional SWMLS products and benefits not mentioned in this article, to see a full list of all products included with your SWMLS subscription, click here.