Thanks to GAP & Members it was a “Back-flipping” Success

There’s nothing like the start of a new school year—the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the excitement of seeing friends again, and the special backpack that holds it all together.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our GAP Committee and Members, we made sure that 1,421 kids started school with brand-new backpacks and a whole lot of confidence!

We know that school can be a “heavy load” for kids, especially those who might not have everything they need to succeed. But because of you, these students can walk into classrooms ready to tackle the school year. 

Your support has made a huge impact and you should take pride to be part of such a generous and compassionate community.

Shout-out to Several Donors
  • AREA: 290 Backpacks
  • Directors Mortgage: Collected 100 & Matched 100
  • ERA Cares NM: 280 Backpacks
  • Ben Gomez: $1,000