The Code of Ethics is the foundation of the REALTOR® organization, and provides the standards of practice and professionalism that customers expect and deserve.
At the end of the year, all REALTOR® members must meet their NAR Code of Ethics Quadrennial Requirement. There are over 800 GAAR members that still need to meet their requirement while live classes fill up quickly.
Whether or not you have met your requirements, please pay close attention to notifications from the GAAR Education Department in the coming weeks. If you receive an email notice that GAAR does not have a record of your class, please email a scanned / electronic copy of your Code of Ethics CE Certificate to education@gaar.com.
In November, we will be offering two more "live" courses here at GAAR. Each is worth 4 CE credits and is now offered to members for just $40.00.
Register today while space is still available!
NAR Code of Ethics and Enforcement
Saturday, November 12th, 2016
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
4 CE (Education) | Instructor: Marketta Damonte
$40 for members / $60 for non-members
If you are too busy this weekend, GAAR is also offering another COE Class on the following Saturday...
Business Ethics in Real Estate
Saturday, November 19th, 2016
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
4 CE (Education) | Instructor: Bob Treese
$40 for members / $60 for non-members
NAR's FREE Online Code of Ethics Training
If your schedule does not allow for a live, in-person class, you can also take NAR's online course for FREE. While it does not offer CE Credit, it does meet your Quadrennial requirements.
Where: Online
When: Anytime
Cost: FREE
Instructions: Click here to get more information on the online course and select "Begin or resume" under option" 2) FREE Course for Existing Members." You will need your NRDS to login. This course meets your quadrennial requirement, but is not approved for CE credits with NMREC.
Don't delay. Sign up for a course today here at GAAR, at another offsite location or online. Time is running out.