The 2014 GAAR/SWMLS Annual Meeting is right around the corner.
We have an exciting schedule of events planned that includes the 'Angel Tree' for Title 1 Homeless Project and the return of the 'GAAR Great Grant Giveaway,' where three local nonprofits will be the recipients of a 2014 contribution from The REALTOR® Fund. We will also have the honor of announcing the 2014 graduates of the GAAR Leadership Development Program and installing the 2015 GAAR and SWMLS Boards of Directors.
Our keynote speaker will be author and instructor of Ninja Selling, Mr. Larry Kendall. An expert in sales training, Larry has been engaged in the real estate business for over 30 years. He is one of the founding partners of The Group, Inc., which was recognized by REALTOR® Magazine as the most productive real estate company in the United States as measured by transactions per sales associate. His sales training system, Ninja Selling, has more than 40,000 graduates in the United States, Canada and Spain, and is taught in the Kansas State University College of Business Administration's National Strategic Selling Institute. Larry will offer his unique perspective on effective customer service when he presents his keynote address, "Patterns of Success."
Registration for the Annual Meeting is free for GAAR REALTOR® members and $55 for non-members. The keynote address by Larry Kendall, "Patterns of Success," is approved for one (1) credit hour of continuing education (CE) in the training category by the New Mexico Real Estate Commission. Reserve your seat at gaar.com/education.