According to studies done by both the Small Business Administration and the Kauffman Foundation, millennials aren't starting up as many businesses as the generations that came before them. Fewer than 2 percent of millennials were self employed in 2014, compared to 7.6 percent of Generation X. The Economic Innovation Group calls them the "least entrepreneurial generation in recent history."
But Albuquerque's millennial entrepreneurs aren't buying it.
"Albuquerque has a thriving millennial entrepreneurial community," saidPaul Aitken, co-founder of Drone U, an educational resource for drone pilots.
Aitken admits his perception may be a bit skewed, young entrepreneurs probably attract other young entrepreneurs to their social groups, but Aitken says he knows a lot of young millennials creating startups.
"Millennial entrepreneurship is just now on the rise," said Micaela Brown, founder of Lush Blush, a new cosmetics startup in the state. "We're charting new territory and trying new things."
The fact that millennial entrepreneurship is just beginning to get off the ground, might explain why numbers seem so low, Brown said. There's also the issue of youth. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,self-employment rates are higher for older workers, so the relative youth of millennials could be working against them. Still, according to the Small Business Association's report on millennial entrepreneurs, youth doesn't explain the entirety of the gap between millennials and other generations when it comes to self-employment. At the age of 30, less than 4 percent of millennials reported they were self-employed. At that same, age 6.7 percent of baby boomers reported being self-employed.
Aitken says Albuquerque is an especially good place for millennials to get started as entrepreneurs because it's centrally located and the cost of living is relatively cheap. Still, the small market, he says, makes it hard for non-internet based companies to grow.
Derek Bohannan, founder of Volo Pervidi LLC, a land surveying company that uses drones, agrees. Click here to read the full article.