Did you recently change your phone, email website or company? Then make sure you update your information in Flexmls.
If you recently changed your website address, email address or phone number, you will want to update your contact information in Flexmls. It's important to keep your contact information up-to-date in Flexmls because that information is used by the public and other REALTORS® to contact you regarding a listing, not just on gaar.com, but on your feeds to Zillow, REALTOR.com and more.
Follow the guidelines below on how to update your contact information in Flexmls:
Personal Changes: In Flexmls, go to Preferences > My Profile. This is where you can change your email address, phone number, and website address. Changes made here will update GAAR's Membership Records, as well.
Office Changes: If you are a Qualifying Broker (QB) or Office Manager, go to Preferences > My Profile in Flexmls. This is where you can change your office's email address, phone number, and website address. Changes made here will update GAAR's Membership Records, as well.
Below is a list of the types of things you can update in Flexmls:
- Quick Profile Maintenance allows you to fill out your office and marketing names, as well as your primary e-mail address, phone number and extension, web page address, and street address.
- My Names allows you to add, edit, or remove your office name, marketing name and designations that appear in materials created from the system. You may also set the defaults for the name that will appear within listings and the "Prepared By" information on footers.
- My Addresses allows you to add new addresses, edit existing addresses, or remove existing addresses.
- My E-Mail Addresses allows you to add new e-mail addresses, edit existing addresses, or remove existing addresses.
- Personal Photo and Logo Maintenance allows you to add photos of yourself or office, logos, or other images.
- My Documents allows you to create and store documents to the system. You may upload PDF documents from your computer, or use the text/HTML editor to create a new document from within Flexmls web.
- My Phone Numbers allows you to add new phone numbers, edit existing phone numbers, or remove existing phone numbers.
- My Web Addresses allows you to add new web addresses, edit existing web addresses, or remove existing web addresses.
- Change My Password allows you to change your old (existing) password to a new password.