ShowingTime has been updated so you can now pre-schedule showings for listings in Coming Soon status!
Keep in mind that showings are NOT allowed while in Coming Soon.
On the listing details page, click on one of the two ShowingTime icons while the listing is in Coming Soon:
This listing has a "Coming Soon End Date" of 04/16/21, so when you get to the scheduling page, it will look like this:
If the listing agent moves the Coming Soon End date earlier to make the listing go active, then ShowingTime will update to allow showings on that day within about 15-20 minutes.
Alternatively, if the Coming Soon End date is moved later, then showings that were scheduled previously will NOT be canceled automatically. It is up to the Listing Agent to cancel those showings and have those conversations.
As always, please reach out to SWMLS Staff if you have any questions!