Push our Community Leaders to Drive Change in the City!
Attend the Meeting on March 6, 4:30pm @ Albuquerque City Council Chambers (Basement of City Hall) to show your support for the ABC-Z Comprehensive Plan.
For members that did not attend our "Smart Growth for the 21st Century" class, the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Zoning (ABC-Z) Comprehensive Plan was lauded as a very forward-thinking, smart growth plan that would help our city grow responsibly. The City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County planners have worked with some of the top experts in the nation for more than 2 years to develop this well-thought-out plan. Now, there is opposition that wants to postpone it for another 2 years!
We need YOU to attend this meeting to show your support! Here's why:
- Brings clarity and predictability to development regulation for the next 20 years
- Guides the City to grow inward and not outward
- Offers tools to address the jobs to housing imbalance
- Protects certain parts of the City by identifying areas of consistency
- Adds important goals, policies, and actions related to the Community Identity and Heritage Conservation that the old Comprehensive Plan did not include
- Encourages housing for various income levels at appropriate places
- Implements MRCOG’s transportation strategies
- Reduces the number of zones from over 250 to less than 20
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can still show your support by:
- Mailing or emailing your city councilor. Here are some talking point and our city council contacts courtesy of NAIOP.
- Tweet a message to the city council.
- Share this information on Facebook and other social media.
If you have questions about the meeting or why you should support this plan, please contact Eva Medcroft at 505-724-3461 or email at eva@gaar.com.