Get your listings ready for Grande Open House Weekend on October 5th - 6th!
Enter your Open House information into Flexmls by Friday, October 4th to ensure your listings populate on NewMexicoHomeSearch.com.
View this quick video:
What you should know about Grande Open House Weekend:
1. No RSVP or sign up is required. Just enter your open house(s) information in Flexmls by Friday, October 4th at 5:00 pm.
2. There is no cap on the number of Open Houses for the weekend.
3. Please reuse any Grande Open House signs you have left from the spring, there a limited number available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
4. Pick up signs, balloons, and additional marketing materials at the GAAR REALTOR® Building by Friday, October 4th, 5:00 pm.
Ways we will promote Grande Open House Weekend:
Clear Channel Digital Billboards (I-25, I-40 & Paseo del Norte)
NM Living Segment airs Friday, October 4th
NM Magazine print ads
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube)
NewMexicoHomeSearch.com digital ads
For more information, contact Julian at GAAR at 505-724-3483.