If you missed the last Yoga with Kady session, click the link below for a recording:
Enter Password: 8F&fD5*4
Tune in every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for free yoga. And if you missed the class, a recording of the latest class is available for your convenience.
Let's admit it, the current situation is stressful. COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on our daily lives and routines. We are worried about our health, families, and livelihood. We cannot control the future, but we can control how we react to it. One way is to take time each day for some physical activity. We live in a beautiful state with moderate weather year-round. Take a walk in your neighborhood. Ride a bike. Do a few push-ups or sit-ups. Or try a yoga class.
Yoga is one of the oldest forms of exercise in the world. It is beneficial to both mind and body. It combines strength training, breathing techniques, and relaxation. For the month of April, you can try Yoga with Kady in the privacy of your own home.
Yoga with Kady
Days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am (Kady will answer questions 10 minutes prior to class)
Cost: Free
What You Need: Yoga mat (or towel) & a water bottle
Instruction: Via Zoom
2 Ways to Register for a Live Class:
1. Go to URL: https://zoom.us/j/314203888?pwd=ODhFd1RtS1U1Q2ZEUVJwUGdKclRCUT09
2. Go to www.zoom.com
Click: Join A Meeting
Enter Meeting ID: 314-203-888
Click: Join
Enter Password: GAAR
About Kady
In 2012, Kady received her Hatha Yoga Certification at Yogawell in San Diego, California. Her training entailed 200 hours of yoga teaching skills, anatomy and physiology, philosophy and ethics, practicum and methodology.
Kady's classes focus on endurance, elongation, alignment, pranayama and energy. Her class will help you release tension and create healthy energy in the muscles, joints, bones, bloodstream, and organs.
Please Note: While yoga is for everyone, when online, it is up to the individual to assess whether they are physically able to do the class. If you suffer from specific injuries or disease, please consult with your physician first. Similarly, if you are pregnant, follow the recommended practice only.
The practice of yoga asanas requires you – the practitioner – to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations. It is better to build up slowly than to force and strain. Whilst one may feel exertion one should also feel relaxed. Techniques and suggestions presented in this online class are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program. GAAR assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques.