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As ABQ reviews contract, FCC tally shows surge in Comcast complaints

As ABQ reviews contract, FCC tally shows surge in Comcast complaints

By Juliana Vadnais, Digital Producer for Albuquerque Business First:

The city’s multiyear franchise agreement with Comcast of New Mexico LLC expires in October 2017 and the city is…

Albuquerque eyes more affordable housing projects in 2016

Albuquerque eyes more affordable housing projects in 2016

By Stephanie Guzman, report for Albuquerque Business First:

The city of Albuquerque's Workforce Housing Trust Fund has provided funding for a number of notable multifamily…

Awards Gala Sponsorship now open!!!

Awards Gala Sponsorship now open!!!

With the Annual Meeting behind us, it's time to start preparing for our next big member event – the 95th Annual Awards Gala.

Each year,…

Save the Date for Supra 2.0

Save the Date for Supra 2.0

Mark your calendars for February 9th through 11th when we will be holding the Supra 2.0 Implentation Event.

Get ready to upgrade to Supra's latest…

Congratulations to GAAR’s Platinum Plus Sponsor - First Mortgage Company!

Congratulations to GAAR’s Platinum Plus Sponsor - First Mortgage Company!

Thank you to First Mortgage Company for their GAAR Platinum Plus Annual Sponsorship!

We are now accepting commitments for the Annual Awards Gala and for any…

Pay your Membership Dues online before December 31

Pay your Membership Dues online before December 31

This is a friendly reminder that there is a $50 late fee on dues paid after December 31, 2015.

Avoid further delays by paying online.…

NAR’s 2015 Member Safety Report

NAR’s 2015 Member Safety Report

As you make business plans for the new year, don't forget about safety. 

Learn safety practices from your peers with this NAR Safety report that containing the…

Affiliate Q&A: Social Media Workshop on January 13th

Affiliate Q&A: Social Media Workshop on January 13th

Are you using social media to your advantage?

Online marketing has taken the Real Estate industry by storm over the last few years. More and…

Important Membership Meeting: Please attend RANM’s January Conference

Important Membership Meeting: Please attend RANM’s January Conference

Join RANM for the January Conference - committee and governance meetings, installation of officers, networking, a trip to the Roundhouse, education, and more!

Register now…

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