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Category: GAAR News

Client Share: Home Upgrades with the Lowest ROI

Client Share: Home Upgrades with the Lowest ROI

By: Lisa Kaplan Gordon

File these six upgrades under wish fulfillment, not value investment.

Life is a balancing act, and upgrading your home is…

GAAR’s Spring Top 5

GAAR’s Spring Top 5

It's Spring! That means it's time for REALTORS® to gear up for business and GAAR is here to help.

Mark your calendar so you don't miss out…

Invite your clients to the REinvent Speaker Series on New Mexico Tourism

Invite your clients to the REinvent Speaker Series on New Mexico Tourism

Notice: The New Mexico Tourism presentation and Expo has been cancelled. 

We are working to reschedule Rebecca Latham's presentation of New Mexico True in the…

2015 Production Certificates are in!

2015 Production Certificates are in!

Did you produce over $2 million in 2015? Congratulations! 

We have your 2015 Production Certificates to recognize your hard work.

Be sure to pick them…

Help us “Stuff the Truck” for Habitat for Humanity

Help us “Stuff the Truck” for Habitat for Humanity

Do you have friend, family or clients that are renovating, downsizing or spring cleaning?

By downloading and distributing this flyer to family friends and…

Check out the new TransactionDesk platform

Check out the new TransactionDesk platform

Instanet's new and improved TransactionDesk platform launched today!

More information on the new Instanet Platform…

  • The new TransactionDesk is dashboard based, so you can…

Online, Safety Is Your ‘Social Responsibility’

Online, Safety Is Your ‘Social Responsibility’

Dangerous situations don’t only present themselves in person. Criminals can determine whether you’re a good target by finding out about you on your social profiles.…

New metro alliance leaders hope to promote ABQ as a region

New metro alliance leaders hope to promote ABQ as a region

By Blake Driver, Reporter at Albuquerque Business First:

The Albuquerque metro area wants to promote itself to outside companies as a whole region, not just…

Thanks to ART, business owners could get a seat at the transit planning table

Thanks to ART, business owners could get a seat at the transit planning table

By Blake Driver, Reporter for Albuquerque Business First:

One possible outcome of the city’s plans for a rapid transit bus system on Central avenue is…

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