As a REALTOR®, you know the value you bring to your clients and communities every day. The difference is real when working…
Your home is one of your largest assets and will likely play a key role in…
NAR’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy includes an “Executive Commitment Pillar” to ensure that NAR leadership is educated on DEI.
To meet that objective,…
SWMLS Executive Director Richard Gibbens explains the Certified Photographer Agreement and the many ways it benefits you and participating photographers.
A buyer who signed but didn’t read a purchase contract or seek legal…
By Tracy Kasper, NAR President
There has been a lot happening at the National Association of REALTORS® this past week…
Here’s a look at all the things — big and small — that an…
SWMLS Executive Director Richard Gibbens explains the class action suit verdict against the National Association of REALTORS® and what that means.
The National Association of REALTORS® and two codefendants were found liable Tuesday…