When you enter a listing in the MLS, please be aware of the required document rules for applicable Residential and Residential Income listings. For instance, adding the required…
The REALTOR® Building will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 27th and 28th from 8 am - 5 pm for Thanksgiving.
Please plan accordingly.
The VA loan limits have remained at higher levels since 2008, at 150% of the GSE loan limits. But that provision will expire on December 31,…
We recently became aware of a check fraud scheme, in which a property buyer, purportedly from China, defrauded a New Mexico title agent of more…
The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) recently published their 2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.
Highlights include:
Do you have a new website, email address, or phone number?
If you recently changed your website address, email address, or phone number, you will want to update…
Debt - like student loans and car payments - can create the biggest barrier to homeownership, more so than trying to save for a down payment, according to…
The income tax exemption on mortgage debt forgiven in a short sale expired at the end of 2013. Without immediate action by Congress, distressed homeowners…
Have you had the safety talk with your clients? It's not only for your safety but for theirs too.
Safety from your clients' perspective presents an…