Are you using the Withdrawn status in Flexmls correctly? Each month SWMLS staff identify several listings in a Withdrawn status that actually should be Cancelled. Knowing…
If you missed the NM Real Estate Commission Meeting in July, attend a video replay on August 22nd. REALTORS® can earn continuing education credit during each…
Applications are now being accepted for REALTOR® members interested in serving on the 2019 GAAR or SWMLS Board of Directors!
Directors meet a minimum of ten…
Time is running out to see the most comprehensive traveling exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci ever assembled before it leaves Albuquerque on August 29th.
The Bernalillo County Assessor office can provide valuable support to brokers to create a stronger working relationship. Watch this informational video to better understand the…
If you own a website, it’s likely you have heard the term SEO or Search Engine Optimization. If you’re a real estate agent with a…
The New Mexico Department of Tourism has numerous resouces to help you grow your real estate business by leveraging the New Mexico True brand:
The New Mexico Tourism Department is proud to offer and steward the New Mexico True Certified program, an initiative that allows select New Mexico businesses…
How artificial intelligence will shape the way consumers search for real estate
Todd Carpenter, National Association of REALTORS®
On forward thinking
It’s certainly possible that…