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Roll In and Rock Out at GAAR’s Charity Bowl-A-Thon

Roll In and Rock Out at GAAR’s Charity Bowl-A-Thon

Are you ready to Rock and Roll?

We're only 4 weeks away from the charity bowling event of the year! With the excitment building, there's no better time than…

GAAR “Good Neighbors” promote the REALTOR® spirit

GAAR “Good Neighbors” promote the REALTOR® spirit

The Good Neighbor Award program spotlight REALTOR® contributions to their local community. GAAR is working with NAR to create our local Good Neighbor award…

What is a “Patent Troll” and why you should care

You’ve been bombarded with “Patent Troll” calls-for-action (CFAs) and you’re probably wondering why REALTORS® should care. Why is NAR, RANM and GAAR constantly pushing

Rigid rules will stifle job creation

Rigid rules will stifle job creation

Jason Espinoza / President, N.M. Association of Commerce and Industry:

New Mexicans need jobs.

About 58,000 New Mexicans are unemployed. Another 50,000 have given…

Proposed ‘Fair Workweek Act’ to undergo 90-day fiscal analysis

Proposed ‘Fair Workweek Act’ to undergo 90-day fiscal analysis

Dan McKay / ABQ Journal Staff Writer:

City Councilor Ken Sanchez on Monday requested a fiscal and economic impact analysis of…

Time to review, change or complete your lockbox audit

Time to review, change or complete your lockbox audit

As the final decision on the lockbox contract nears, the GAAR Board of Directors must have the absolute final lockbox count. Not only is this…

August is CRS Data & Find Training Month at GAAR

August is CRS Data & Find Training Month at GAAR

What do CRS Data and Find have in common? The GAAR Guru program of course!

In our continuing efforts to increase members' awareness and knowledge of…

Flexmls *Wildcard searches

Flexmls *Wildcard searches

When entering text to search in fields like Public Remarks, Address, or Legal Description, you can refine your search results by using the “Wildcard” characters (*)…

New Mexico real estate market sees strong summer, increasing prices

New Mexico real estate market sees strong summer, increasing prices

By Adam Atchison, Morning Anchor at Channel 13 News

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) — New Mexico’s housing market is looking up. Real estate experts say home prices are…

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