CE Requirements
Except for brokers who are exempt from continuing education by virtue of having attained 65 years of age and a minimum of 20 years of continuous licensure prior to July 1, 2011, the following requirements apply:
As of January 3, 2021 all active and inactive associate brokers shall successfully complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of continuing education in courses approved by the commission during each licensing cycle. All active and inactive qualifying brokers shall successfully complete a minimum of 42 credit hours of continuing education in courses approved by the commission during each licensing cycle, which includes the qualifying broker refresher course.
Required courses include the four-hour NMREC Core Course to be completed annually; a four-hour commission-approved Core Elective Course (8 hours for QB’s) to be completed once during each three-year licensing, and four hours of commission-approved Ethics courses to be completed during each three-year licensing cycle. Qualifying Brokers are required to take the 6-hour Qualifying Broker Refresher Course.
All remaining credit hours may be earned toward the cumulative continuing education renewal requirement from commission-approved elective category courses, additional core elective category courses, or additional ethics category courses.
Note: Every three (3) years, all existing, or active REALTOR® members (which includes Appraisers) must complete a refresher training on the Code of Ethics as a requirement of continued membership. This training for existing members must also meet the learning objectives and time requirements established by the National Association of REALTORS® and be approved by GAAR. The current three-year period began on January 1, 2025, and will end on December 31, 2027. NAR refers to this period as Cycle 8. For the list of ethics courses that meet this requirement, Click Here. REALTOR® Emeritus members are exempt from this requirement.
Qualifying brokers shall attend at least one New Mexico Real Estate Commission meeting, rule hearing, or disciplinary hearing for at least three hours, or until the commission goes into executive session, or the hearing/meeting ends, whichever comes first, in each three three-year licensing cycle.
Property Management
A. Qualifying brokers and associate brokers who offer or intend to offer property management services for others, shall as a condition of offering property management services, first complete the commission approved course, Uniform Owner-Resident Relations Act, or a commission approved equivalent property management related course prior to offering such services, and in every subsequent three-year licensing cycle.
B. Associate brokers who offer or intend to offer property management services are also required to complete a minimum of six hours of approved continuing education courses in property management during each three-year licensing cycle.
C. Qualifying brokers who offer or intend to offer property management services are also required to complete a minimum of 12 hours of approved continuing education courses in property management during each three-year licensing cycle.
D. Qualifying brokers and associate brokers shall attend at least one New Mexico real estate commission meeting, rule hearing, or disciplinary hearing for at least three hours, or until the commission goes into executive session, or the hearing/meeting ends, whichever comes first, in each three three-year licensing cycle.