Code of Ethics Training

NAR mandates that all REALTOR® and Appraiser members of the REALTOR® organization must complete training on the NAR Code of Ethics as a requirement of membership. The training must meet the learning objectives and time requirements established by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

What Code of Ethics Training is required for New Members?

All new members must complete the required Code of Ethics training within the time period specified in the governing documents. Code of Ethics training is part of the GAAR New Member Orientation, which must be completed by new and returning members, per the GAAR Bylaws.  Code of Ethics programs sponsored by other providers will not be accepted as meeting the New Member Code of Ethics requirement.

What Code of Ethics Training is required for Existing Members?

Every three (3) years, all existing, or active REALTOR® members (which includes Appraisers) must complete a refresher training on the Code of Ethics as a requirement of continued membership. This training for existing members must also meet the learning objectives and time requirements established by the NAR and be approved by the local association of the primary members.

What is the current 3-year period or cycle?

The current three-year period in which all members must complete a Code of Ethics training, approved by their Local Association, began January 1, 2025, and will end on December 31, 2027. NAR refers to this period as Cycle 8. 

What happens if this requirement is not met by a member?

In early January 2028, NAR will provide GAAR with the names of members who have not met their Code of Ethics Training Requirement. Membership and all related services will be suspended for all people identified on that list until the requirement is met.  Suspended members who do not meet the requirement by March 1 will be terminated.

What is GAAR's role in the Code of Ethics training process?

  • The local association (GAAR) is authorized by NAR to determine which Code of Ethics training programs it will accept as meeting the learning objectives established by NAR.
  • The local association has the responsibility for recording and transmitting all Code of Ethics training records for primary members to the NAR.
  • Per the NAR directive, the local association must suspend any member who does not meet the Code of Ethics training requirement within the current biennial period.

How can you meet the Code of Ethics Training Requirement for Existing Members?

If you join/joined GAAR within the current period ( January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2027), the 4CE Code of Ethics course provided at your New Member Orientation meets the requirement for the current three (3) year period ending December 31, 2027. Since you attended that class at GAAR, your records are transmitted to NAR by GAAR. No additional action is required by the member.

For existing members, GAAR will accept only the courses listed below as meeting the NAR Code of Ethics Training Requirement for the period January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027. Remember, only your local association has the authority to determine which classes meet the requirements. For primary GAAR members, be sure to refer to the following list of accepted courses.

Classes GAAR will accept as meeting the Code of Ethics Training Requirement

Course Name
Business Ethics in Real Estate 4 ETH 21120021
Cracking the Code of Ethics (Online-CE Shop) 3 ETH 21120032
GRI - REALTORS® Ethical Road Map 8 ETH 21120131
NAR Code of Ethics Enforcement 4 ETH 21120051
NAR Code of Ethics Enforcement Webinar 4 ETH 21120052
New Member Orientation: Code of Ethics 4 ETH 21120061
New Mexico Ethics in Real Estate (Online-McKissock) 4 ETH 21120272
Professional and Ethical Practices in Real Estate 8 ETH 21120071
REALTOR® Code of Ethics Training (Online-Free & Paid Version) 2 ETH 20120212
Understanding the Code of Ethics (Online-Empire) 4 ETH 21120282
When You Come to the Fork in the Road, Take it (Harris) 4 ETH 21120281
The Code of Ethics in Action: Real Life Applications (Online-CE Shop) 3 ETH 21120082
Handling Multiple Offers Ethically & Effectively ((01/01/22-06/01/22)) 4 ETH 21020661, 21020662
REALTOR Code of Ethics: Conversion Using the Code  3 ETH 30120242
Ethical Excellence: Raising the Bar 4 ETH 21120322
Business Ethics in Real Estate on Demand 4 ETH 60000001

How will NAR's records be updated to indicate that you've met the training requirement?

The following information applies to primary members of GAAR.

  • If you complete any of the classroom courses at GAAR, your training record will automatically be updated and sent to NAR. No additional action is required.
  • If you complete any of the classroom courses approved by GAAR, but delivered by a NMREC approved school/sponsor other than GAAR, you must submit a copy of your certificate of completion to GAAR, so that GAAR can transmit the record to NAR. Email your scanned certificate to or FAX to 505-842-0448.
  • If you complete the NAR Online course, NAR knows that you’ve completed the requirement and will notify your local Association – GAAR. GAAR will provide you with your continuing education certificate. Your CE certificate is available as a PDF in your member portal.
  • Periodically, GAAR may add new courses to the list. If that happens, the course name, along with an effective date, will be included in the list. You are encouraged to review this list periodically for new programs that GAAR will accept as meeting the NAR Code of Ethics Training Requirement.