Thank you for your interest in sponsoring events with the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS®!

Charity Event Sponsorships

In addition to getting your name in front of our local REALTOR® and Affiliate members, the proceeds from each event is donated to GAAR’s REALTOR® Fund. Because of your ongoing support, we are able to have an even greater impact in the Greater Albuquerque community by increasing support to local charities.

Our charitable events grow each year and our sponsorship program evolves to grow with it. This translates to more opportunities for exposure for you and your business – while raising much-needed funds for local charities.

Download the 2024  Sponsorship Packet

Continuing Education / Event Sponsorship Guidelines

Process for In-Person Classes

  • Attendees of the monthly Affiliate Committee meetings have the first opportunity to sign up for a sponsorship. After the meeting is over, an Affiliate/Benefit Partner will have an opportunity to sign up for additional classes.
  • At the class you are sponsoring, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the class to set up any food items brought.
  • You will have the first 5 minutes of the class to talk about your company. It must be kept to 5 minutes!
  • Handouts are welcomed during your 5 minutes. AND, business cards are highly recommended. Please take all extra marketing items with you as the Association does not have a place to store them. They will be thrown away.
  • If you are going to be late, you must call the Association to let them know when you will arrive.
  • Poorly performed sponsorships will be put on probation and could be deemed ineligible to be a sponsor in the future. (i.e.: Consistent lateness, not enough food, or lack of variety of food).


  • Sponsors will be entitled to a list of attendees that will be prepared by the Professional Development staff available and emailed to the sponsor by the next business day.
  • The list will include the name and email of the attendee and will be sent out in an excel spreadsheet format to allow for easy sorting and use.
  • This email will be sent to the email of the sponsoring affiliate/benefit partner.  It is incumbent upon the sponsor to ensure that GAAR has an updated and accurate email address on file at GAAR.
  • The sponsors are free to send a personal email to any of the attendees to follow up on the event.  You may mail multiple recipients at one time (BCC recommended), but names may not be uploaded into email marketing software (i.e.: Mailchimp, Constant Contact, etc.)
  • All email communication must adhere to the Can Spam Act. Please email  for more information on the Can Spam Act.
  • Follow-up emails at a later date are also acceptable but must be personally generated.
  • To keep this a tasteful process, affiliates/benefit partners may not add these names to a mass mailing list program that would "bombard" REALTORS® with emails on a routine basis. There will be no quicker way to ruin this for everyone than to "blow up" REALTORS® mailboxes on a routine basis.


  • Sponsors will be emailed 1 to 2 business days prior to the event with the most current headcount as well as the cap count to prepare for the quantity of food needed.
  • Sponsorship signage will be displayed at the food table.
  • Basic food requirements for breakfast:
    • Continental, breakfast burritos, or the like with a couple of options would be recommended. (i.e.: Breakfast burritos and fresh fruit, or pastries and yogurt)
  • Basic food requirements for lunch:
    • An entrée (sandwich or hot dish), a side (salad or chips), and a dessert
    • Please limit pizza to Friday events. If you choose to bring pizza, please accompany it with salad and dessert.
  • Food Safety Requirements:
    • Keep cold foods cold!
    • Keep hot foods hot!
  • What GAAR will provide:
    • Paper plates, plastic ware, napkins, and cups if needed.
    • Water, coffee, and tea are always available in the kitchen area.
    • Please let the staff know in advance if you will require any of the above items on an event basis.