With REALTOR® Safety a priority, FOREWARN offers monthly live webinars to help you maximize this member benefit.
While FOREWARN was built around REALTOR® safety and identity verification, FOREWARN is also a multi-dimensional tool that can be utilized in other areas of your business to help you be the best real estate professional you can be while helping to keep you safe in the process.
This training demonstrates how to utilize FOREWARN, shares insider tips and tricks, and includes a live Q&A session.
FOREWARN Tips & Tricks Live Webinars
Wednesday, March 5th
8 am MT
Wednesday, March 19th
12 Noon MT

Please Note: FOREWARN does not disclose any person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics (other than age, which is provided for identity verification purposes only). We omit such information from our service in the utmost caution, making clear that such information is irrelevant to the safety risk of a prospect and to help ensure that FOREWARN cannot be used for discriminatory purposes.
FOREWARN use is recommended prior to meeting with any new or unknown prospect. Using FOREWARN every time helps protect Subscribers and may also help to avoid any allegations of bias