Real estate professionals are resilient and creative, and can find ways to be safe under our current circumstances while still doing their jobs. We’ve also been looking for creative ways to help, and as a result put together a series of videos to discuss how to set up video showings within ShowingTime. You can also download our brief instructional guide, Setting Up Video Showings.
Video 1: How to Use Zoom with ShowingTime
Video 2: Setting Up Your Listing for Video Showings
Video 3: Virtual Property Showings: Who Films the Home and Why?
As businesses take steps to adapt to the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear that we’re not operating in a “business as usual” environment. We’re all doing our part to follow the advice of health experts and many states to shelter in place to flatten the curve. But as one veteran agent told us, most buyers and sellers are still in a good place. “I think that’s an important message to get out there,” the agent said. “Housing is good.”
MORE ON OUR RESPONSE TO COVID-19: COVID-19: Update from ShowingTime | Impact of COVID-19 on Real Estate Showings in North America | February 2020 Showing Index Results | COVID-19: An Upcoming Change to Overlapping Showings
ShowingTime is working hard to ensure that clients, staff and members of our community are receiving the support they need to continue to work in a safe, responsible manner. We’ll continue taking steps to respond to your business needs.